Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Eastern Washington trip was spent mostly on a bus. We stopped at Central first, it was pretty nice, but in the middle of nowhere. Then that afternoon we toured WSU. Fuck WSU... No cute people. No cute people at Central either. We spent the night in Pullman, the video below is a small sample of what went on in our room that night, hah. We got pretty much no sleep, woke up at 4:30, and headed for Eastern. The campus was nice, our tour guide was cool. The tour guide at Central looked and sounded like a chipmunk, and I'm pretty sure the tour guide at WSU was either lesbian or sexually deprived. You would understand if you saw her...

On another note, I dropped my phone in the toilet today. I saved my memory card, hopefully all the data is okaaayyy. Thankfully I still have the warranty on my phone so I'm hopefully getting a new one tonight. I don't know how long I can go without my phone, as pathetic and girlish that sounds. I have to go take my dog on a walk now. Grr.

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